Simplifying Barrel Inventory Management with DRAMS Scan

Harness the power of DRAMS Scan to transform your barrel management. Our advanced barcode technology and real-time tracking simplify the complexities of cask handling, ensuring each barrel is accounted for with precision. Say goodbye to manual errors and operational inefficiencies.

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Transform Cask Management with Precision and Ease

Discover DRAMS Scan, the advanced barrel scanning solution designed for spirit maturation environments.

This video demonstrates how DRAMS Scan enhances cask management by automating the tracking and validation of barrel movements with precision. Integrating seamlessly with the core DRAMS application, it ensures accurate, real-time data for improved decision-making and operational efficiency.

See how DRAMS Scan is revolutionising warehouse operations and boosting productivity across operations worldwide.

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For more information about our DRAMS Scan module, download our Product Solution Sheet.

Implementing Barrel Scanning

Navigating the Challenges of Barrel Scanning Implementation

While implementing a barrel scanning solution is relatively straightforward, several potential pitfalls must be avoided. Underestimating the complexities involved can lead to knock-on challenges, project delays, and poor operational take-up.

With extensive experience working with some of the largest spirit maturation sites worldwide, the DRAMS team can guide you past these pitfalls, ensuring a quick return on your investment and smooth operational integration.

For more information, read our article Barrel Scanning: Overcoming Implementation Challenges.

Frequently Asked Questions

Addressing Your DRAMS Scan Queries

How long does it take to implement DRAMS Scan in a typical warehouse environment?
Implementation time can vary based on the size and complexity of the warehouse and if our scanning solution is being implemented in conjunction with any of DRAMS other products, but our experienced team ensures a smooth and efficient process, typically an end-to end implementation over the course of a few weeks to months.
How much does it cost to implement

DRAMS pricing is based on a traditional licence and maintenance model. The licensing structure depends on several factors, including the number of barrels in inventory and the number of user licences required.

Consultancy, implementation, and training services are calculated based on the specific requirements of each project. Our team will work with you to provide a customised quote that fits your operational needs. To request a quote for DRAMs Scan or any of our other products, please reach out via our website.

Can DRAMS Scan be customised to fit my specific operational needs?
Yes, DRAMS Scan is highly adaptable and can be configured to meet the unique operational requirements of your spirit production environment. For needs beyond our standard product offering, we provide custom development services to ensure the solution meets your exact needs.

What size of operation is DRAMS Scan recommended for?

DRAMS Scan is suitable for operations of all sizes, though the benefits are more pronounced with larger inventory holdings. Deciding when to implement a barrel scanning solution is a strategic decision, as early adoption can establish a proven foundation of operational process and team adoption helping you to realise scalable benefits aligned with operational growth.

Additionally, there are several preparatory steps which can be made in advance to ensure a successful and streamlined implementation process. The DRAMS team is always on hand to help guide you through this evaluation process and advise on how best to plan for a DRAMS Scan implementation.

How do I choose the right barrel scanning hardware?

There are many scanning hardware solutions available on the market. However, depending on how and where you implement barrel scanning in your spirit production operation, several factors should be considered, including environmental conditions, local safety regulations, lead times, and device availability in your country.

Our team offers expert consultation to help you select the most appropriate hardware. We provide insights to ensure your chosen hardware meets operational needs, complies with safety standards, and is a confirmed DRAMS Scan-supported device.

How do you ensure a successful implementation?

The DRAMS team has extensive experience implementing DRAMS Scan in various organisations, understanding pitfalls and providing best practice guidance.

We offer end-to-end implementation services, starting with a review of your operational processes to identify integration points. Our highly customisable solution ensures seamless adaptation into your workflows, maintaining data accuracy and validation.

We provide comprehensive, hands-on training, preferably onsite, working directly with operators to ensure your team is fully equipped to use DRAMS Scan effectively, ensuring a smooth transition and successful implementation.

What support is available post-implementation?
We provide ongoing support for all DRAMS products, including regular software updates, maintenance, and access to our customer support team to ensure your system continues to operate smoothly. Additionally, each customer is assigned an Account Manager who works directly with them to ensure they continue to get optimal value from the system.